On Monday, the instant messaging network WhatsApp, which is owned by Meta, made the announcement that the ‘Message Yourself’ function will soon be rolled out. According to a statement released by the firm, it is a one-on-one conversation with oneself in which you may share notes, reminders, and updates as necessary. Users of WhatsApp will now be able to keep tabs on their to-do lists, as well as send themselves notes, reminders, shopping lists, and other types of lists using the app.
The ability to send yourself messages using WhatsApp is being introduced in stages at this time. The instant-messaging platform has announced that it would become accessible to all users on the iOS and Android platforms in the coming weeks.
Even while it has traditionally been possible to use WhatsApp to send SMS to your own number, the most recent upgrade from WhatsApp only makes the procedure more streamlined. In the past, users could send messages to themselves by clicking on a link that read “Click to Message” or by creating a WhatsApp group in which they were the sole member.
After the latest version, users will be able to discover the feature that allows them to message themselves at the very top of the contact list. This will make it much simpler for users to access their conversation if it is not already included in the chat list. In the conversation list, the user’s contact will be denoted by the label “User name (You).”
How To Send Yourself a Message on WhatsApp. ?
How to utilize the WhatsApp feature known as “Message Yourself”
Step 1: launch WhatsApp on your device.
Step 2: In the bottom-right corner of the screen, there is a button labelled “action.” Click on it.
Step 3: Customers may locate their contact at the very top of the list of available contacts.
Step 4: Start sending messages by selecting the contact and clicking on it.
Users are going to benefit in a variety of different ways from this newly added functionality. Users may not be required to download a separate application in order to create notes and store links for later use if they utilize it. Since WhatsApp can be installed on a number of different devices, using it to move media, documents, contacts, and other information from one device to another is made easier by this feature.
If a user does not wish to hunt for their self-chat messages in their otherwise cluttered conversations list, they have the option of “pinning” such messages to the top of the chat list.
Signal, a competitor to WhatsApp, includes a feature called Note to Self that covers the similar use case. This function allows users to write messages that are just for their own use. Signal, on the other hand, does not recommend your own profile at the top of the recipient list. This is in contrast to the recently introduced function in WhatsApp, which can be accessed from the top of the contact list within the program. In order for users to make use of the functionality, they will need to search for and pick the contact record titled “Note to Self.”
Slack, another platform for online communities, features a “Jot Something Down” channel where members may privately communicate with one another and store short notes for later reference.
Additionally, Telegram provides its users with a tool that is analogous to bookmarks and is referred to as Saved Messages. This function enables users to store their own personal notes and reminders that can be retrieved at a later time. After a message has been saved, it will appear at the top of the screen where it was sent. However, in order to use the functionality for the first time, Telegram users on Android will need to hit the hamburger menu, while Telegram users on iOS will need to visit the settings menu.