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Home News World’s Fastest Quantum Computer with Quantum Volume of 64 Made by Honeywell

World’s Fastest Quantum Computer with Quantum Volume of 64 Made by Honeywell

Honeywell has delivered as per the promise they did in march about the world’s most potent Quantum computer. The Quantum system features a Quantum volume of 64, which is the most powerful computer in the world.

Quantum computing uses the mechanism of Quantum-mechanical phenomena, which includes superposition and entanglement for ease of computing. For a quantum computer, the quantum volume measurement is considered using quantum bits. The quantum bits are also called as Qubits, which are taken from the machine and also while considering the connectivity and error rates.

The quantum computers are powerful due to the high-quality qubits with very low error rates. Here identical and fully connected qubits are for precision control. Quantum computers are used to solve the most complex problems with ease when compared to classic computers. Quantum computers are unlike modern-day computers, which are compact sized.

The quantum computers have complex architecture, similar to that of classic computers 60 years ago. The computer’s components are equipped in a big room with wired connections and metal frames. The traditional computers are in the state of ‘0’ or  ‘1’ bits, but Quibits have a state of both ‘0’ and ‘1’. This state is called superposition in a quantum computer.

Here the qubit interacts with each other in high precision resulting in Quantum superpower. The Honeywell quantum system is equipped with an ultra-high vacuum chamber. The vacuum chamber is enclosed in a stainless steel sphere along with portals that allow laser light. The ion traps inside the chamber play the role of qubits. They efficiently interact with each other, which results in the generation of quantum superpower.

Honeywell stated that their aim is to reduce the number of errors within the system with smaller qubits. Lesser errors increase the quantum volume and thus increase the quantum capacity for computing.

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